< Go Back You are who you think you are. Posted: Oct 16, 2015 Many people feel they have the ability to
succeed in some areas of their lives but not in others. However, everyone has inside them the ability
to be a natural achiever who consistently attracts luck and success in every area
of their life. The way to release this
ability is to change the way you think about yourself and bring your self-image
into line with the way you want your life to be. Your self-image is the foundation upon which
your life is built. If you want a happy,
successful, abundant life then you must see yourself as a happy, successful,
talented and lucky person. To put
another way, your self-image is your personal blueprint for success.
The thing to remember is that your self-image
is no more fixed and absolute than what you will have for breakfast tomorrow
morning. You could wake up tomorrow and
decide to have champagne and peaches instead of tea and toast. And it's the same with your self-image.
The way you think about yourself determines
everything you say, feel and do. Your
view of the world around you is always a reflection of your inner world. For example, if you believe that you are not
very physically attractive then your external world will confirm this internal
belief. Without realising it you'll
notice and collect evidence which supports your belief, such as criticism of
your looks, whilst ignoring or dismissing anything that doesn't match your
belief, for example a compliment. Whenever
someone looks at you you'll see criticism or pity even when they were actually
feeling admiration or even envy.
Your self-image is created and shaped by your
deep-seated self-beliefs and these can be either positive and empowering or
negative and limiting. Once you are
aware of your negative and limiting beliefs you can start to change them. As you strengthen your self-image by
reprogramming your subconscious and bringing your life into balance with your
core values and beliefs you will redraw your blueprint for success and start to
change your whole life. After all, it's
extremely difficult to live a negative life with a positive mind set!
Starting the process
of change
kick-start the process think about each of the following four statements and
then jot down your answers:
things I learned about myself from my mother are ... "
things I learned about myself from my father are ... "
things I learned about myself from school are ... "
"Five things I learned about myself from (another early authority figure) are ... "
you've just jotted down are all other people's images of you. They may be right or they may be wrong but
either way they don't need to be your
images of yourself!
focus on the ways in which you think about yourself and complete the following
two statements:
limiting beliefs I hold about myself are ... "
"The three limiting beliefs that hold me back the most are ... "
answers to these last two statements will signpost for you some of the most
restrictive beliefs you hold and the most damaging ways in which you see
yourself. The three most limiting beliefs,
in particular, have a powerful influence over the way you shape your life. When you choose to change those beliefs you
will no longer be at the mercy of your past.
So, who do you want
to be?
get the ball rolling, jot down the seven qualities you most admire in other
people. Look at your friends, family, acquaintances
and even people you've never actually met or only met once. Think about why you were attracted to them
and which of their personal attributes made you like them.
now about yourself, write down the seven qualities that you would most like to
be known for ...
done this you are ready to create your own personal mission statement by
completing the following two statements:
"From today I am
choosing to be someone who is ... "
qualities in me that I most want to emphasise and enjoy are ... "
them down on a new sheet of paper and then add the following statement:
"From today I am ready to give life to this new image of me. I am committed to reinforcing these qualities until they are a deeply ingrained part of who I am and who I am seen to be."
and date your three statements and put them somewhere visible. Read them regularly and constantly replace
your old unwanted beliefs with your new beliefs through simple repeated
positive affirmations.
when you are faced with a choice or a decision, or a situation or challenge, you
can ask yourself - "Given the person I am now becoming, what's
the right choice or answer for me?"