< Go Back Discover the values that define who you are and what you do Posted: Mar 20, 2014 Discover the values that define who
you are and what you do.
Whatever your journey through life your values will always act as a
compass and guiding star. Your values
define who you are and what you do. They
are the personal rules you choose to live by and, subconsciously they affect every decision you take.
One of the cornerstones of life coaching is to help you understand just
what your personal values really are. It
can be a fascinating journey of discovery. A journey where there are no 'right
values' or 'wrong values', only values that are 'right' for you. Once you have identified your personal values you have taken one of the first steps towards understanding what makes you tick and why you do the things you do.
A useful tool to help you start your own
journey of discovery can be found at: http://www.personallifecoaching.biz/discover-your-personal-values.html